Jim Seegert
Poet & Storyteller
New Release
Fresh Light
A decade of my performance poetry is captured in Fresh Light—chronicling American popular culture during the last half-century. A tapestry of personal vignettes and cultural observations are artfully woven, in a non-judgmental, conversational manner, easily accessible to a broad adult audience.
Fresh Light
Author: Jim Seegert
Published: Sept. 23, 2024
ISBN: 979-8-218-48891-8
Publisher: Seegert/Ingram
136 pages
Paperback/Perfect Bound
Order Now $15.99 USD
In Fresh Light, Jim Seegert presents a dynamic collection of pocket-sized vignettes of our pop culture. This slim but weighty volume is infused with the rhythms that formed our times—part poetry, part documentary and a tribute to the many artists and events that helped shape the last half-century. It is presented using a seasoned storyteller’s voice, a uniquely distinctive one that will speak directly to the readers of all generations.
— Sal Cataldi,
Contributor to NY Times, Rolling Stone and PopMatters
Praise & Reviews
I sat down by a fireplace, a tall clock ticking nearby, and made my way into a terrific collection of poems, Fresh Light, by Jim Seegert. It was summer, so the fire wasn't lit, but Jim's words warmed my heart. His memories, in these poems, are precise retellings, and that makes for great art. He goes from Chinatown to Flagstaff, Arizona, in one beautiful fell swoop. His journey through fixing his kitchen becomes ours. We end up at the Seaport Museum and wave goodbye to him as he retires to the Hudson Valley, leaving behind all these fantastic constructs. This is an amazing book!
— Ron Kolm, contributing editor of Sensitive Skin
In Fresh Light, Jim Seegert brings the reader to face memories as though they were their own and often, as if they were happening in real time. Vivid, descriptives bring the stories and poems to life; the reader is witness to exchanges, motions and emotions, and by design, the reader often becomes a part of the story.
— JR Turek,
Long Island Poet of the Year, 2019 and author of 9 poetry books
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About Jim Seegert
I'm a Cleveland, OH native, graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Art, a 40-year resident of NYC and a recent transplant to the Mid-Hudson Valley in upstate NY.
I've been a reader and featured performer of poetry and spoken word since 2014—principally with the Performance Poets Association (Queens/Long Island) and The Phoenix Reading Series in New York's West Village, among others. I'm now a regular on the Hudson Valley circuit.